We can put code in a constructor or a method or an initialization block. What is the use of initialization block? Is it necessary that every java program must have it?
The question is not entirely clear, but here's a brief description of ways you can initialise data in an object. Let's suppose you have a class A that holds a list of objects.
1) Put initial values in the field declaration:
class A {
private List
2) Assign initial values in the constructor:
class A {
private List data;
public A() {
data = new ArrayList();
These both assume that you do not want to pass "data" as a constructor argument.
Things get a little tricky if you mix overloaded constructors with internal data like above. Consider:
class B {
private List data;
private String name;
private String userFriendlyName;
public B() {
data = new ArrayList();
name = "Default name";
userFriendlyName = "Default user friendly name";
public B(String name) {
data = new ArrayList();
this.name = name;
userFriendlyName = name;
public B(String name, String userFriendlyName) {
data = new ArrayList();
this.name = name;
this.userFriendlyName = userFriendlyName;
Notice that there is a lot of repeated code. You can fix this by making constructors call each other, or you can have a private initialisation method that each constructor calls:
class B {
private List data;
private String name;
private String userFriendlyName;
public B() {
this("Default name", "Default user friendly name");
public B(String name) {
this(name, name);
public B(String name, String userFriendlyName) {
data = new ArrayList();
this.name = name;
this.userFriendlyName = userFriendlyName;
class B {
private List data;
private String name;
private String userFriendlyName;
public B() {
init("Default name", "Default user friendly name");
public B(String name) {
init(name, name);
public B(String name, String userFriendlyName) {
init(name, userFriendlyName);
private void init(String _name, String _userFriendlyName) {
data = new ArrayList();
this.name = name;
this.userFriendlyName = userFriendlyName;
The two are (more or less) equivalent.
I hope that gives you some hints on how to initialise data in your objects. I won't talk about static initialisation blocks as that's probably a bit advanced at the moment.
EDIT: I've interpreted your question as "how do I initialise my instance variables", not "how do initialiser blocks work" as initialiser blocks are a relatively advanced concept, and from the tone of the question it seems you're asking about the simpler concept. I could be wrong.