I have a basic dict as follows:
sample = {}
sample[\'title\'] = \"String\"
sample[\'somedate\'] = somedatetimehere
if you are using python3.7, then the best solution is using
datetime.isoformat() and
datetime.fromisoformat(); they work with both naive and
aware datetime
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timezone
from datetime import timedelta
import json
def default(obj):
if isinstance(obj, datetime):
return { '_isoformat': obj.isoformat() }
return super().default(obj)
def object_hook(obj):
_isoformat = obj.get('_isoformat')
if _isoformat is not None:
return datetime.fromisoformat(_isoformat)
return obj
if __name__ == '__main__':
#d = { 'now': datetime(2000, 1, 1) }
d = { 'now': datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=-8))) }
s = json.dumps(d, default=default)
print(d == json.loads(s, object_hook=object_hook))
{"now": {"_isoformat": "2000-01-01T00:00:00-08:00"}}
if you are using python3.6 or below, and you only care about the time value (not
the timezone), then you can use datetime.timestamp()
if you are using python3.6 or below, and you do care about the timezone, then
you can get it via datetime.tzinfo
, but you have to serialize this field
by yourself; the easiest way to do this is to add another field _tzinfo
in the
serialized object;
finally, beware of precisions in all these examples;