I have a basic dict as follows:
sample = {}
sample[\'title\'] = \"String\"
sample[\'somedate\'] = somedatetimehere
For others who do not need or want to use the pymongo library for this.. you can achieve datetime JSON conversion easily with this small snippet:
def default(obj):
"""Default JSON serializer."""
import calendar, datetime
if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
if obj.utcoffset() is not None:
obj = obj - obj.utcoffset()
millis = int(
calendar.timegm(obj.timetuple()) * 1000 +
obj.microsecond / 1000
return millis
raise TypeError('Not sure how to serialize %s' % (obj,))
Then use it like so:
import datetime, json
print json.dumps(datetime.datetime.now(), default=default)