When I type git diff
, I want to view the output with my visual diff tool of choice (SourceGear \"diffmerge\" on Windows). How do I configure git to do this?
Here's a batch file that works for Windows - assumes DiffMerge installed in default location, handles x64, handles forward to backslash replacement as necessary and has ability to install itself. Should be easy to replace DiffMerge with your favourite diff program.
To install:
gitvdiff --install
@echo off
REM ---- Install? ----
REM To install, run gitvdiff --install
if %1==--install goto install
REM ---- Find DiffMerge ----
if DEFINED ProgramFiles^(x86^) (
Set DIFF="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\SourceGear\DiffMerge\DiffMerge.exe"
) else (
Set DIFF="%ProgramFiles%\SourceGear\DiffMerge\DiffMerge.exe"
REM ---- Switch forward slashes to back slashes ----
set oldW=%2
set oldW=%oldW:/=\%
set newW=%5
set newW=%newW:/=\%
REM ---- Launch DiffMerge ----
%DIFF% /title1="Old Version" %oldW% /title2="New Version" %newW%
goto :EOF
REM ---- Install ----
set selfL=%~dpnx0
set selfL=%selfL:\=/%
@echo on
git config --global diff.external %selfL%
@echo off