In SQL I (sadly) often have to use \"LIKE
\" conditions due to databases that violate nearly every rule of normalization. I can\'t change that right now. But tha
If you want to make your statement easily readable, then you can use REGEXP_LIKE (available from Oracle version 10 onwards).
An example table:
SQL> create table mytable (something)
2 as
3 select 'blabla' from dual union all
4 select 'notbla' from dual union all
5 select 'ofooof' from dual union all
6 select 'ofofof' from dual union all
7 select 'batzzz' from dual
8 /
Table created.
The original syntax:
SQL> select something
2 from mytable
3 where something like 'bla%'
4 or something like '%foo%'
5 or something like 'batz%'
6 /
3 rows selected.
And a simple looking query with REGEXP_LIKE
SQL> select something
2 from mytable
3 where regexp_like (something,'^bla|foo|^batz')
4 /
3 rows selected.
BUT ...
I would not recommend it myself due to the not-so-good performance. I'd stick with the several LIKE predicates. So the examples were just for fun.