I need to create a CSS stylesheet class dynamically in JavaScript and assign it to some HTML elements like - div, table, span, tr, etc and to some controls like asp:Textbox,
Here is Vishwanath's solution slightly rewritten with comments :
function setStyle(cssRules, aSelector, aStyle){
for(var i = 0; i < cssRules.length; i++) {
if(cssRules[i].selectorText && cssRules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase() == aSelector.toLowerCase()) {
cssRules[i].style.cssText = aStyle;
return true;
return false;
function createCSSSelector(selector, style) {
var doc = document;
var allSS = doc.styleSheets;
if(!allSS) return;
var headElts = doc.getElementsByTagName("head");
if(!headElts.length) return;
var styleSheet, media, iSS = allSS.length; // scope is global in a function
/* 1. search for media == "screen" */
while(iSS){ --iSS;
if(allSS[iSS].disabled) continue; /* dont take into account the disabled stylesheets */
media = allSS[iSS].media;
if(typeof media == "object")
media = media.mediaText;
if(media == "" || media=='all' || media.indexOf("screen") != -1){
styleSheet = allSS[iSS];
iSS = -1; // indication that media=="screen" was found (if not, then iSS==0)
/* 2. if not found, create one */
if(iSS != -1) {
var styleSheetElement = doc.createElement("style");
styleSheetElement.type = "text/css";
styleSheet = doc.styleSheets[allSS.length]; /* take the new stylesheet to add the selector and the style */
/* 3. add the selector and style */
switch (typeof styleSheet.media) {
case "string":
if(!setStyle(styleSheet.rules, selector, style));
styleSheet.addRule(selector, style);
case "object":
if(!setStyle(styleSheet.cssRules, selector, style));
styleSheet.insertRule(selector + "{" + style + "}", styleSheet.cssRules.length);