How do I use RelativeSource
with WPF bindings and what are the different use-cases?
Bechir Bejaoui exposes the use cases of the RelativeSources in WPF in his article here:
The RelativeSource is a markup extension that is used in particular binding cases when we try to bind a property of a given object to another property of the object itself, when we try to bind a property of a object to another one of its relative parents, when binding a dependency property value to a piece of XAML in case of custom control development and finally in case of using a differential of a series of a bound data. All of those situations are expressed as relative source modes. I will expose all of those cases one by one.
- Mode Self:
Imagine this case, a rectangle that we want that its height is always equal to its width, a square let's say. We can do this using the element name
But in this above case we are obliged to indicate the name of the binding object, namely the rectangle. We can reach the same purpose differently using the RelativeSource
For that case we are not obliged to mention the name of the binding object and the Width will be always equal to the Height whenever the height is changed.
If you want to parameter the Width to be the half of the height then you can do this by adding a converter to the Binding markup extension. Let's imagine another case now:
The above case is used to tie a given property of a given element to one of its direct parent ones as this element holds a property that is called Parent. This leads us to another relative source mode which is the FindAncestor one.
- Mode FindAncestor
In this case, a property of a given element will be tied to one of its parents, Of Corse. The main difference with the above case is the fact that, it's up to you to determine the ancestor type and the ancestor rank in the hierarchy to tie the property. By the way try to play with this piece of XAML
The above situation is of two TextBlock elements those are embedded within a series of borders and canvas elements those represent their hierarchical parents. The second TextBlock will display the name of the given parent at the relative source level.
So try to change AncestorLevel=2 to AncestorLevel=1 and see what happens. Then try to change the type of the ancestor from AncestorType=Border to AncestorType=Canvas and see what's happens.
The displayed text will change according to the Ancestor type and level. Then what's happen if the ancestor level is not suitable to the ancestor type? This is a good question, I know that you're about to ask it. The response is no exceptions will be thrown and nothings will be displayed at the TextBlock level.
- TemplatedParent
This mode enables tie a given ControlTemplate property to a property of the control that the ControlTemplate is applied to. To well understand the issue here is an example bellow
If I want to apply the properties of a given control to its control template then I can use the TemplatedParent mode. There is also a similar one to this markup extension which is the TemplateBinding which is a kind of short hand of the first one, but the TemplateBinding is evaluated at compile time at the contrast of the TemplatedParent which is evaluated just after the first run time. As you can remark in the bellow figure, the background and the content are applied from within the button to the control template.