Here's a to-and-from for Roman numerals. Not often used, but could be handy. Usage:
if ("IV".IsValidRomanNumeral())
// Do useful stuff with the number 4.
The source:
public static class RomanNumeralExtensions
private const int NumberOfRomanNumeralMaps = 13;
private static readonly Dictionary romanNumerals =
new Dictionary(NumberOfRomanNumeralMaps)
{ "M", 1000 },
{ "CM", 900 },
{ "D", 500 },
{ "CD", 400 },
{ "C", 100 },
{ "XC", 90 },
{ "L", 50 },
{ "XL", 40 },
{ "X", 10 },
{ "IX", 9 },
{ "V", 5 },
{ "IV", 4 },
{ "I", 1 }
private static readonly Regex validRomanNumeral = new Regex(
+ "?((X[LC])|(L?XX{0,2})|L)?((I[VX])|(V?(II{0,2}))|V)?))$",
public static bool IsValidRomanNumeral(this string value)
return validRomanNumeral.IsMatch(value);
public static int ParseRomanNumeral(this string value)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
value = value.ToUpperInvariant().Trim();
var length = value.Length;
if ((length == 0) || !value.IsValidRomanNumeral())
throw new ArgumentException("Empty or invalid Roman numeral string.", "value");
var total = 0;
var i = length;
while (i > 0)
var digit = romanNumerals[value[--i].ToString()];
if (i > 0)
var previousDigit = romanNumerals[value[i - 1].ToString()];
if (previousDigit < digit)
digit -= previousDigit;
total += digit;
return total;
public static string ToRomanNumeralString(this int value)
const int MinValue = 1;
const int MaxValue = 3999;
if ((value < MinValue) || (value > MaxValue))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, "Argument out of Roman numeral range.");
const int MaxRomanNumeralLength = 15;
var sb = new StringBuilder(MaxRomanNumeralLength);
foreach (var pair in romanNumerals)
while (value / pair.Value > 0)
value -= pair.Value;
return sb.ToString();