Upcasting is allowed in Java, however downcasting gives a compile error.
The compile error can be removed by adding a cast but would anyway break at the runtime. >
I believe this applies to all statically typed languages:
String s = "some string";
Object o = s; // ok
String x = o; // gives compile-time error, o is not neccessarily a string
String x = (String)o; // ok compile-time, but might give a runtime exception if o is not infact a String
The typecast effectively says: assume this is a reference to the cast class and use it as such. Now, lets say o is really an Integer, assuming this is a String makes no sense and will give unexpected results, thus there needs to be a runtime check and an exception to notify the runtime environment that something is wrong.
In practical use, you can write code working on a more general class, but cast it to a subclass if you know what subclass it is and need to treat it as such. A typical example is overriding Object.equals(). Assume we have a class for Car:
boolean equals(Object o) {
if(!(o instanceof Car)) return false;
Car other = (Car)o;
// compare this to other and return