I got a TransactionTooLargeException
. Not reproducible. In the docs it says
The Binder transaction failed because it was too large.
I encountered this issue, and I found that when there huge amount of data getting exchanged between a service and an application,(This involves transferring lots of thumbnails). Actually data size was around 500kb, and the IPC transaction buffer size is set to 1024KB. I am not sure why it exceeded the transaction buffer.
This also can occur, when you pass lot of data through intent extras
When you get this exception in your application, please analyze your code.
How to handle when you get this exception
If possible, split the big operation in to small chunks, for example, instead of calling applyBatch() with 1000 operations, call it with 100 each.
Do not exchange huge data (>1MB) between services and application
I dont know how to do this, but, Do not query android, which can return huge data :-)