I have a vector of numbers:
numbers <- c(4,23,4,23,5,43,54,56,657,67,67,435,
How can I hav
This is a very fast solution for one-dimensional atomic vectors. It relies on match()
, so it is compatible with NA
x <- c("a", NA, "a", "c", "a", "b", NA, "c")
fn <- function(x) {
u <- unique.default(x)
out <- list(x = u, freq = .Internal(tabulate(match(x, u), length(u))))
class(out) <- "data.frame"
attr(out, "row.names") <- seq_along(u)
#> x freq
#> 1 a 3
#> 2 2
#> 3 c 2
#> 4 b 1
You could also tweak the algorithm so that it doesn't run unique()
fn2 <- function(x) {
y <- match(x, x)
out <- list(x = x, freq = .Internal(tabulate(y, length(x)))[y])
class(out) <- "data.frame"
attr(out, "row.names") <- seq_along(x)
#> x freq
#> 1 a 3
#> 2 2
#> 3 a 3
#> 4 c 2
#> 5 a 3
#> 6 b 1
#> 7 2
#> 8 c 2
In cases where that output is desirable, you probably don't even need it to re-return the original vector, and the second column is probably all you need. You can get that in one line with the pipe:
match(x, x) %>% `[`(tabulate(.), .)
#> [1] 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 2