I want to automatically add new forms to a Django formset using Ajax, so that when the user clicks an \"add\" button it runs JavaScript that adds a new form (which is part o
Because all answers above use jQuery and make some things a bit complex I wrote following script:
function $(selector, element) {
if (!element) {
element = document
return element.querySelector(selector)
function $$(selector, element) {
if (!element) {
element = document
return element.querySelectorAll(selector)
function hasReachedMaxNum(type, form) {
var total = parseInt(form.elements[type + "-TOTAL_FORMS"].value);
var max = parseInt(form.elements[type + "-MAX_NUM_FORMS"].value);
return total >= max
function cloneMore(element, type, form) {
var totalElement = form.elements[type + "-TOTAL_FORMS"];
total = parseInt(totalElement.value);
newElement = element.cloneNode(true);
for (var input of $$("input", newElement)) {
input.name = input.name.replace("-" + (total - 1) + "-", "-" + total + "-");
input.value = null
element.parentNode.insertBefore(newElement, element.nextSibling);
totalElement.value = total;
return newElement
var addChoiceButton = $("#add-choice");
addChoiceButton.onclick = function() {
var choices = $("#choices");
var createForm = $("#create");
cloneMore(choices.lastElementChild, "choice_set", createForm);
if (hasReachedMaxNum("choice_set", createForm)) {
this.disabled = true
First you should set auto_id to false and so disable the duplication of id and name. Because the input names have to be unique in there form, all identification is done with them and not with id's.
You also have to replace the form
, type
and the container of the formset. (In the example above choices