I want to automatically add new forms to a Django formset using Ajax, so that when the user clicks an \"add\" button it runs JavaScript that adds a new form (which is part o
Paolo's suggestion works beautifully with one caveat - the browser's back/forward buttons.
The dynamic elements created with Paolo's script will not be rendered if the user returns to the formset using the back/forward button. An issue that may be a deal breaker for some.
1) User adds two new forms to the formset using the "add-more" button
2) User populates the forms and submits the formset
3) User clicks the back button in the browser
4) Formset is now reduced to the original form, all dynamically added forms are not there
This is not a defect with Paolo's script at all; but a fact of life with dom manipulation and browser's cache.
I suppose one could store the values of the form in the session and have some ajax magic when the formset loads to create the elements again and reload the values from the session; but depending on how anal you want to be about the same user and multiple instances of the form this may become very complicated.
Anyone has a good suggestion for dealing with this?