Inspired by Raymond Chen\'s post, say you have a 4x4 two dimensional array, write a function that rotates it 90 degrees. Raymond links to a solution in pseudo code, but I\'d
Here's my Ruby version (note the values aren't displayed the same, but it still rotates as described).
def rotate(matrix)
result = []
4.times { |x|
result[x] = []
4.times { |y|
result[x][y] = matrix[y][3 - x]
matrix = []
matrix[0] = [1,2,3,4]
matrix[1] = [5,6,7,8]
matrix[2] = [9,0,1,2]
matrix[3] = [3,4,5,6]
def print_matrix(matrix)
4.times { |y|
4.times { |x|
print "#{matrix[x][y]} "
puts ""
puts ""
The output:
1 5 9 3
2 6 0 4
3 7 1 5
4 8 2 6
4 3 2 1
8 7 6 5
2 1 0 9
6 5 4 3