Problem: Sometimes you will want to access a component from javascript with
, but id\'s are generated dynamically in JSF, so you
Answer: So this is the technique I'm happiest with. Doesn't require doing too much weird stuff to figure out the id of a component. Remember the whole point of this is so you can know the id
of a component from anywhere on your page, not just from the actual component itself. This is key. I press a button, launch javascript function, and it should be able to access any other component, not just the one that launched it.
This solution doesn't require any 'right-click' and see what the id is. That type of solution is brittle, as the id is dynamically generated and if I change the page I'll have to go through that nonsense each time.
Bind the component to a backing bean.
Reference the bound component wherever you want.
So here is a sample of how that can be done.
Assumptions: I have an *.xhtml page (could be *.jsp) and I have defined a backing bean. I'm also using JSF 2.0.
*.xhtml page
UIInput emailAddyInputText;
Make sure to create your getter/setter for this property too.