Since multiple inheritance is bad (it makes the source more complicated) C# does not provide such a pattern directly. But sometimes it would be helpful to have this ability.
I created a C# post-compiler that enables this kind of thing:
using NRoles;
public interface IFirst { void FirstMethod(); }
public interface ISecond { void SecondMethod(); }
public class RFirst : IFirst, Role {
public void FirstMethod() { Console.WriteLine("First"); }
public class RSecond : ISecond, Role {
public void SecondMethod() { Console.WriteLine("Second"); }
public class FirstAndSecond : Does, Does { }
You can run the post-compiler as a Visual Studio post-build-event:
C:\some_path\nroles-v0.1.0-bin\nutate.exe "$(TargetPath)"
In the same assembly you use it like this:
var fas = new FirstAndSecond();
In another assembly you use it like this:
var fas = new FirstAndSecond();