I\'m trying to setup AngularJS to communicate with a cross-origin resource where the asset host which delivers my template files is on a different domain and therefore the X
For Angular 1.2.0rc1+ you need to add a resourceUrlWhitelist.
1.2: release version they added a escapeForRegexp function so you no longer have to escape the strings. You can just add the url directly
make sure to add ** for sub folders. Here is a working jsbin for 1.2: http://jsbin.com/olavok/145/edit
1.2.0rc: If you are still on a rc version, the Angular 1.2.0rc1 the solution looks like:
.config(['$sceDelegateProvider', function($sceDelegateProvider) {
$sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist(['self', /^https?:\/\/(cdn\.)?yourdomain.com/]);
Here is a jsbin example where it works for 1.2.0rc1: http://jsbin.com/olavok/144/edit
Pre 1.2: For older versions (ref http://better-inter.net/enabling-cors-in-angular-js/) you need to add the following 2 lines to your config:
$httpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true;
delete $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];
Here is a jsbin example where it works for pre 1.2 versions: http://jsbin.com/olavok/11/edit