With javascript how can I add a query string parameter to the url if not present or if it present, update the current value? I am using jquery for my client side development
Here's my slightly different approach to this, written as an excercise
function addOrChangeParameters( url, params )
let splitParams = {};
let splitPath = (/(.*)[?](.*)/).exec(url);
if ( splitPath && splitPath[2] )
splitPath[2].split("&").forEach( k => { let d = k.split("="); splitParams[d[0]] = d[1]; } );
let newParams = Object.assign( splitParams, params );
let finalParams = Object.keys(newParams).map( (a) => a+"="+newParams[a] ).join("&");
return splitPath ? (splitPath[1] + "?" + finalParams) : (url + "?" + finalParams);
const url = "http://testing.com/path?empty&value1=test&id=3";
addOrChangeParameters( url, {value1:1, empty:"empty", new:0} )