I’m looking for the easiest, cleanest way to add X months to a JavaScript date.
I’d rather not handle the rolling over of the year or have to write my own function.<
The following is an example of how to calculate a future date based on date input (membershipssignup_date) + added months (membershipsmonths) via form fields.
The membershipsmonths field has a default value of 0
Trigger link (can be an onchange event attached to membership term field):
Calculate Expiry Date
function calculateMshipExp() {
var calcval = null;
var start_date = document.getElementById("membershipssignup_date").value;
var term = document.getElementById("membershipsmonths").value; // Is text value
var set_start = start_date.split('/');
var day = set_start[0];
var month = (set_start[1] - 1); // January is 0 so August (8th month) is 7
var year = set_start[2];
var datetime = new Date(year, month, day);
var newmonth = (month + parseInt(term)); // Must convert term to integer
var newdate = datetime.setMonth(newmonth);
newdate = new Date(newdate);
day = newdate.getDate();
month = newdate.getMonth() + 1;
year = newdate.getFullYear();
// This is British date format. See below for US.
calcval = (((day <= 9) ? "0" + day : day) + "/" + ((month <= 9) ? "0" + month : month) + "/" + year);
// mm/dd/yyyy
calcval = (((month <= 9) ? "0" + month : month) + "/" + ((day <= 9) ? "0" + day : day) + "/" + year);
// Displays the new date in a [Date] // Note: Must contain a value to replace eg. [Date]
document.getElementById("memexp").firstChild.data = calcval;
// Stores the new date in a for submission to database table
document.getElementById("membershipsexpiry_date").value = calcval;