I have a large(ish) form in MVC.
I need to be able to generate an excel file containing data from a subset of that form.
The tricky bit is that this shouldn
I may sound quite naive, and may attract quite a criticism, but here's how I did it,
(It doesn't involve ajax
for export, but it doesn't do a full postback either )
Thanks for this post and this answer.
Create a simple controller
public class HomeController : Controller
/* A demo action
public ActionResult Index()
return View(model);
public FileResult ExportData()
/* An example filter
var filter = TempData["filterKeys"] as MyFilter;
TempData.Keep(); */
var someList = db.GetDataFromDb(/*filter*/) // filter as an example
/*May be here's the trick, I'm setting my filter in TempData["filterKeys"]
in an action,(GetFilteredPartial() illustrated below) when 'searching' for the data,
so do not really need ajax here..to pass my filters.. */
//Some utility to convert list to Datatable
var dt = Utility.ConvertToDataTable(someList);
// I am using EPPlus nuget package
using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage())
ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
ws.Cells["A1"].LoadFromDataTable(dt, true);
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
return File(memoryStream.ToArray(),
//This is just a supporting example to illustrate setting up filters ..
/* [HttpPost]
public PartialViewResult GetFilteredPartial(MyFilter filter)
TempData["filterKeys"] = filter;
var filteredData = db.GetConcernedData(filter);
var model = new MainViewModel();
model.PartialViewModel = filteredData;
return PartialView("_SomePartialView", model);
} */
And here are the Views..
/*Commenting out the View code, in order to focus on the imp. code
@model Models.MainViewModel
Some code for, say, a partial View
@Html.Partial("_SomePartialView", Model.PartialViewModel)
//The actual part.. Just **posting** this bit of data from the complete View...
//Here, you are not posting the full Form..or the complete View
@using (Html.BeginForm("ExportData", "Home", FormMethod.Post))
The whole point of the trick seems that, we are posting a form (a part of the Razor View ) upon which we are calling an Action method
, which returns: a FileResult
, and this FileResult
returns the Excel File
And for posting the filter values, as said, ( and if you require to), I am making a post request to another action, as has been attempted to describe..