I know in PHP we can do something like this:
$hello = \"foo\";
$my_string = \"I pity the $hello\";
Output: \"I pity the foo\"
You can use this javascript function to do this sort of templating. No need to include an entire library.
function createStringFromTemplate(template, variables) {
return template.replace(new RegExp("\{([^\{]+)\}", "g"), function(_unused, varName){
return variables[varName];
"I would like to receive email updates from {list_name} {var1} {var2} {var3}.",
list_name : "this store",
var1 : "FOO",
var2 : "BAR",
var3 : "BAZ"
Output: "I would like to receive email updates from this store FOO BAR BAZ."
Using a function as an argument to the String.replace() function was part of the ECMAScript v3 spec. See this SO answer for more details.