After logging in via $.ajax()
to a site, I am trying to send a second $.ajax()
request to that site - but when I check the headers sent using FireB
xhrFields: { withCredentials:true }
as part of my jQuery ajax call was only part of the solution. I also needed to have the headers returned in the OPTIONS response from my resource:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin :
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials : true
It was important that only one allowed "origin" was in the response header of the OPTIONS call and not "*". I achieved this by reading the origin from the request and populating it back into the response - probably circumventing the original reason for the restriction, but in my use case the security is not paramount.
I thought it worth explicitly mentioning the requirement for only one origin, as the W3C standard does allow for a space separated list -but Chrome doesn't! NB the "in practice" bit.