How can I tell whether a circle and a rectangle intersect in 2D Euclidean space? (i.e. classic 2D geometry)
def colision(rect, circle):
dx = rect.x - circle.x
dy = rect.y - circle.y
distance = (dy**2 + dx**2)**0.5
angle_to = (rect.angle + math.atan2(dx, dy)/3.1415*180.0) % 360
if((angle_to>135 and angle_to<225) or (angle_to>0 and angle_to<45) or (angle_to>315 and angle_to<360)):
if distance <= circle.rad/2.+((rect.height/2.0)*(1.+0.5*abs(math.sin(angle_to*math.pi/180.)))):
return True
if distance <= circle.rad/2.+((rect.width/2.0)*(1.+0.5*abs(math.cos(angle_to*math.pi/180.)))):
return True
return False