how to convert 270921sec into days + hours + minutes + sec ? (ruby)

前端 未结 9 438
不知归路 2020-12-02 06:09

I have a number of seconds. Let\'s say 270921. How can I display that number saying it is xx days, yy hours, zz minutes, ww seconds?

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-02 06:18

    It can be done pretty concisely using divmod:

    t = 270921
    mm, ss = t.divmod(60)            #=> [4515, 21]
    hh, mm = mm.divmod(60)           #=> [75, 15]
    dd, hh = hh.divmod(24)           #=> [3, 3]
    puts "%d days, %d hours, %d minutes and %d seconds" % [dd, hh, mm, ss]
    #=> 3 days, 3 hours, 15 minutes and 21 seconds

    You could probably DRY it further by getting creative with collect, or maybe inject, but when the core logic is three lines it may be overkill.
