How does one do this?
If I want to analyze how something is getting compiled, how would I get the emitted assembly code?
If what you want to see depends on the linking of the output, then objdump on the output object file/executable may also be useful in addition to the aforementioned gcc -S. Here's a very useful script by Loren Merritt that converts the default objdump syntax into the more readable nasm syntax:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open FH, '-|', '/usr/bin/objdump', '-w', '-M', 'intel', @ARGV or die;
$prev = "";
if(/$ptr/o) {
s/$ptr(\[[^\[\]]+\],$reg)/$2/o or
s/($reg,)$ptr(\[[^\[\]]+\])/$1$3/o or
s/$ptr/lc $1/oe;
if($prev =~ /\t(repz )?ret / and
$_ =~ /\tnop |\txchg *ax,ax$/) {
# drop this line
} else {
print $prev;
$prev = $_;
print $prev;
close FH;
I suspect this can also be used on the output of gcc -S.