I know the similar questions were asked here a lot, but I\'m not completely satisfied with the answers (and even with the questions).
The main goal is compatibility
amazing solutions!
The makecab solution has some issues so here is a fixed version that solves the problem when using directories with blank spaces.
;@echo off
;;;;; rem start of the batch part ;;;;;
;for %%a in (/h /help -h -help) do (
; if /I "%~1" equ "%%~a" if "%~2" equ "" (
; echo compressing directory to cab file
; echo Usage:
; echo(
; echo %~nx0 "directory" "cabfile"
; echo(
; echo to uncompress use:
; echo EXPAND cabfile -F:* .
; echo(
; echo Example:
; echo(
; echo %~nx0 "c:\directory\logs" "logs"
; exit /b 0
; )
; )
; if "%~2" EQU "" (
; echo invalid arguments.For help use:
; echo %~nx0 /h
; exit /b 1
; set "dir_to_cab=%~f1"
; set "path_to_dir=%~pn1"
; set "dir_name=%~n1"
; set "drive_of_dir=%~d1"
; set "cab_file=%~2"
; if not exist "%dir_to_cab%\" (
; echo no valid directory passed
; exit /b 1
;setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
;for /d /r "%dir_to_cab%" %%a in (*) do (
; set "_dir=%%~pna"
; set "destdir=%dir_name%!_dir:%path_to_dir%=!"
; (echo(.Set DestinationDir=!destdir!>>"%tmp%\makecab.dir.ddf")
; for %%# in ("%%a\*") do (
; (echo("%%~f#" /inf=no>>"%tmp%\makecab.dir.ddf")
; )
;(echo(.Set DestinationDir=!dir_name!>>"%tmp%\makecab.dir.ddf")
; for %%# in ("%~f1\*") do (
; (echo("%%~f#" /inf=no>>"%tmp%\makecab.dir.ddf")
; )
;makecab /F "%~f0" /f "%tmp%\makecab.dir.ddf" /d DiskDirectory1="%cd%" /d CabinetNameTemplate=%cab_file%.cab
;rem del /q /f "%tmp%\makecab.dir.ddf"
;exit /b %errorlevel%
;;;; rem end of the batch part ;;;;;
;;;; directives part ;;;;;
.New Cabinet
.set GenerateInf=OFF
.Set Cabinet=ON
.Set Compress=ON
.Set UniqueFiles=ON
.Set MaxDiskSize=1215751680;
.set RptFileName=nul
.set InfFileName=nul
.set MaxErrors=1
;;;; end of directives part ;;;;;