Every once in a while, Chrome will render perfectly valid HTML/CSS incorrectly or not at all. Digging in through the DOM inspector is often enough to get it to realize the
October 2020, the problem still persists with Chrome 85.
morewry's solution of using transform:translateZ(0) works, actually, any transformation works, including translate(0,0) and scale(1), but if you must update the element again, then the trick is to toggle the transformation, and the best way is to directly remove it, after one frame, using requestAnimationFrame (setTimeout should always be avoided because it will be slower so it can cause glitches).
So, the update one element:
function refresh_element(node) {
// you can use scale(1) or translate(0, 0), etc
node.style.setProperty('transform', 'translateZ(0)');
// this will remove the property 1 frame later
requestAnimationFrame(() => {