How to secure phpMyAdmin

后端 未结 9 572
清歌不尽 2020-12-02 04:40

I have noticed that there are strange requests to my website trying to find phpmyadmin, like



Now I have ins

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-02 05:03

    The biggest threat is that an attacker could leverage a vulnerability such as; directory traversal, or using SQL Injection to call load_file() to read the plain text username/password in the configuration file and then Login using phpmyadmin or over tcp port 3306. As a pentester I have used this attack pattern to compromise a system.

    Here is a great way to lock down phpmyadmin:

    • DO NOT ALLOW REMOTE ROOT LOGINS! Instead phpmyadmin can be configured to use "Cookie Auth" to limit what user can access the system. If you need some root privileges, create a custom account that can add/drop/create but doesn't have grant or file_priv.
    • Remove file_priv permissions from every account. file_priv is one of the most dangerous privileges in MySQL because it allows an attacker to read files or upload a backdoor.
    • Whitelist IP address who have access to the phpmyadmin interface. Here is an example .htaccess reulset:
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    allow from
    • Do not have a predictable file location like: Vulnerability scanners like Nessus/Nikto/Acunetix/w3af will scan for this.

    • Firewall off tcp port 3306 so that it cannot be accessed by an attacker.

    • Use HTTPS, otherwise data and passwords can be leaked to an attacker. If you don't want to fork out the $30 for a cert, then use a self-signed. You'll accept it once, and even if it was changed due to a MITM you'll be notified.
