I am looking for a way to pass a method by reference. I understand that Java does not pass methods as parameters, however, I would like to get an alternative.
Last time I checked, Java is not capable of natively doing what you want; you have to use 'work-arounds' to get around such limitations. As far as I see it, interfaces ARE an alternative, but not a good alternative. Perhaps whoever told you that was meaning something like this:
public interface ComponentMethod {
public abstract void PerfromMethod(Container c);
public class ChangeColor implements ComponentMethod {
public void PerfromMethod(Container c) {
// do color change stuff
public class ChangeSize implements ComponentMethod {
public void PerfromMethod(Container c) {
// do color change stuff
public void setAllComponents(Component[] myComponentArray, ComponentMethod myMethod) {
for (Component leaf : myComponentArray) {
if (leaf instanceof Container) { //recursive call if Container
Container node = (Container) leaf;
setAllComponents(node.getComponents(), myMethod);
} //end if node
} //end looping through components
Which you'd then invoke with:
setAllComponents(this.getComponents(), new ChangeColor());
setAllComponents(this.getComponents(), new ChangeSize());