Is there a way in PHP to make asynchronous HTTP calls? I don\'t care about the response, I just want to do something like file_get_contents()
, but not wait for
You can use this library:
It's pretty straightforward then:
getOptions()->set(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// Specify function to be called when your request is complete
$request->addListener('complete', function (cURL\Event $event) {
$response = $event->response;
$httpCode = $response->getInfo(CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$html = $response->getContent();
echo "\nDone.\n";
// Loop below will run as long as request is processed
$timeStart = microtime(true);
while ($request->socketPerform()) {
printf("Running time: %dms \r", (microtime(true) - $timeStart)*1000);
// Here you can do anything else, while your request is in progress
Below you can see console output of above example. It will display simple live clock indicating how much time request is running: