Just have a quick question. I\'ve looked around the internet quite a bit and I\'ve found a few solutions but none of them have worked yet. Looking at converting a string to
I know this question is really old but I think there's a better way of doing this
bool string_to_int(std::string value, int * result) {
std::stringstream stream1, stream2;
std::string stringednumber;
int tempnumber;
stream1 << value;
stream1 >> tempnumber;
stream2 << tempnumber;
stream2 >> stringednumber;
if (!value.compare(stringednumber)) {
*result = tempnumber;
return true;
else return false;
If I wrote the code right, this will return a boolean value that tells you if the string was a valid number, if false, it wasn't a number, if true it was a number and that number is now result, you would call this this way:
std::string input;
std::cin >> input;
bool worked = string_to_int(input, &result);