I happened to find myself having a basic filtering need: I have a list and I have to filter it by an attribute of the items.
My code looked like this:
Since any speed difference is bound to be miniscule, whether to use filters or list comprehensions comes down to a matter of taste. In general I'm inclined to use comprehensions (which seems to agree with most other answers here), but there is one case where I prefer filter
A very frequent use case is pulling out the values of some iterable X subject to a predicate P(x):
[x for x in X if P(x)]
but sometimes you want to apply some function to the values first:
[f(x) for x in X if P(f(x))]
As a specific example, consider
primes_cubed = [x*x*x for x in range(1000) if prime(x)]
I think this looks slightly better than using filter
. But now consider
prime_cubes = [x*x*x for x in range(1000) if prime(x*x*x)]
In this case we want to filter
against the post-computed value. Besides the issue of computing the cube twice (imagine a more expensive calculation), there is the issue of writing the expression twice, violating the DRY aesthetic. In this case I'd be apt to use
prime_cubes = filter(prime, [x*x*x for x in range(1000)])