time_interval = [4, 6, 12]
I want to sum up the numbers like [4, 4+6, 4+6+12]
in order to get the list t = [4, 10, 22]
If You want a pythonic way without numpy working in 2.7 this would be my way of doing it
l = [1,2,3,4]
cumsum=[_d.setdefault(idx, _d[idx-1]+item) for idx,item in enumerate(l)]
now let's try it and test it against all other implementations
import timeit, sys
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
reduce = functools.reduce
xrange = range
def sum1(l):
total = 0
for v in l:
total += v
return cumsum
def sum2(l):
import numpy as np
return list(np.cumsum(l))
def sum3(l):
return [sum(l[:i+1]) for i in xrange(len(l))]
def sum4(l):
return reduce(lambda c, x: c + [c[-1] + x], l, [0])[1:]
def this_implementation(l):
return [_d.setdefault(idx, _d[idx-1]+item) for idx,item in enumerate(l)]
# sanity check
>>> True
timeit.timeit('sum1(L)','from __main__ import sum1,sum2,sum3,sum4,this_implementation,L', number=100)/100.
>>> 0.001018061637878418
timeit.timeit('sum2(L)','from __main__ import sum1,sum2,sum3,sum4,this_implementation,L', number=100)/100.
>>> 0.000829620361328125
timeit.timeit('sum3(L)','from __main__ import sum1,sum2,sum3,sum4,this_implementation,L', number=100)/100.
>>> 0.4606760001182556
timeit.timeit('sum4(L)','from __main__ import sum1,sum2,sum3,sum4,this_implementation,L', number=100)/100.
>>> 0.18932826995849608
timeit.timeit('this_implementation(L)','from __main__ import sum1,sum2,sum3,sum4,this_implementation,L', number=100)/100.
>>> 0.002348129749298096