The application that I am developing has a weird behavior the first time that it is installed. If the user backs out of the application normally the first time, it will fore
Welcome to the ever-growing list of users who have been bitten by this one.
This is a well-known and long-standing Android bug. in the way applications get launched the first time from the installer, web-browser and via IDE (IntelliJ, Eclipse, etc.). See these issues filed long ago related to the problem:
It is still broken and you cannot prevent this from happening. The only thing you can do is to detect when Android has launched a second instance of your root activity into an existing task. You can do this by putting this code in onCreate()
of your root activity:
if (!isTaskRoot()) {
// Android launched another instance of the root activity into an existing task
// so just quietly finish and go away, dropping the user back into the activity
// at the top of the stack (ie: the last state of this task)