Is it possible to serialize and deserialize a class in C++?
I\'ve been using Java for 3 years now, and serialization / deserialization is fairly trivial in that lang
You can check the amef protocol, an example of C++ encoding in amef would be like,
//Create a new AMEF object
AMEFObject *object = new AMEFObject();
//Add a child string object
object->addPacket("This is the Automated Message Exchange Format Object property!!","adasd");
//Add a child integer object
//Add a child boolean object
AMEFObject *object2 = new AMEFObject();
string j = "This is the property of a nested Automated Message Exchange Format Object";
//Add a child character object
//Add a child AMEF Object
//Encode the AMEF obejct
string str = new AMEFEncoder()->encode(object,false);
Decoding in java would be like,
string arr = amef encoded byte array value;
AMEFDecoder decoder = new AMEFDecoder()
AMEFObject object1 = AMEFDecoder.decode(arr,true);
The Protocol implementation has codecs for both C++ and Java, the interesting part is it can retain object class representation in the form of name value pairs, I required a similar protocol in my last project, when i incidentally stumbled upon this protocol, i had actually modified the base library according to my requirements. Hope this helps you.