Python allows easy creation of an integer from a string of a given base via
int(str, base).
I want to perform the inverse: creati
Another short one (and easier to understand imo):
def int_to_str(n, b, symbols='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'):
return (int_to_str(n/b, b, symbols) if n >= b else "") + symbols[n%b]
And with proper exception handling:
def int_to_str(n, b, symbols='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'):
return (int_to_str(n/b, b) if n >= b else "") + symbols[n%b]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError(
"The symbols provided are not enough to represent this number in "
"this base")