How can I enable remote requests in IIS Express? Scott Guthrie wrote that is possible but he didn\'t say how.
This is insanely awesome and even covers HTTPS with pretty domain names:
The really awesome parts I couldn't find anywhere else on SO in case the above link ever goes away:
> C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express>IisExpressAdminCmd.exe Usage:
> iisexpressadmincmd.exe Supported commands:
> setupFriendlyHostnameUrl -url:
> deleteFriendlyHostnameUrl -url:
> setupUrl -url:
> deleteUrl -url:
> setupSslUrl -url: -CertHash:
> setupSslUrl -url: -UseSelfSigned
> deleteSslUrl -url:
> Examples: 1) Configure "http.sys" and "hosts" file for friendly
> hostname "contoso": iisexpressadmincmd setupFriendlyHostnameUrl
> -url:http://contoso:80/ 2) Remove "http.sys" configuration and "hosts" file entry for the friendly hostname "contoso": iisexpressadmincmd
> deleteFriendlyHostnameUrl -url:http://contoso:80/
The above utility will register the SSL certificate for you! If you use the -UseSelfSigned option, it's super easy.
If you want to do things the hard way, the non-obvious part is you need to tell HTTP.SYS what certificate to use, like this:
netsh http add sslcert ipport= appid={214124cd-d05b-4309-9af9-9caa44b2b74a} certhash=YOURCERTHASHHERE
Certhash is the "Thumbprint" you can get from the certificate properties in MMC.