I have some trivial JavaScript to effect a style change:
sel = document.getElementById(\'my_id\');
sel.className = sel.className.replace(/item-[1-9]-selected
I tried morewry answer but it does not work for me. I had trouble to have the same clientWidth with safari comparing to others browsers and this code solved the problem:
var get_safe_value = function(elm,callback){
var sty = elm.style
sty.transform = "translateZ(1px)";
var ret = callback(elm)//you can get here the value you want
sty.transform = "";
return ret
// for safari to have the good clientWidth
var $fBody = document.body //the element you need to fix
var clientW = get_safe_value($fBody,function(elm){return $fBody.clientWidth})
It is really strange because if I try again to get the clientWidth after get_safe_value, I obtain a bad value with safari, the getter has to be between sty.transform = "translateZ(1px)";
and sty.transform = "";
The other solution that works definitively is
var $fBody = document.body //the element you need to fix
$fBody.style.display = 'none';
var temp = $.body.offsetHeight;
$fBody.style.display = ""
temp = $.body.offsetHeight;
var clientW = $fBody.clientWidth
The problem is that you lose focus and scroll states.