I can\'t update the content in ViewPager.
What is the correct usage of methods instantiateItem() and getItem() in FragmentPagerAdapter class?
I was using onl
You need change instantiateItem's mFragments element getItemPosition.
if (mFragments.size() > position) {
Fragment f = mFragments.get(position);
if (f != null) {
int newPosition = getItemPosition(f);
if (newPosition == POSITION_UNCHANGED) {
return f;
} else if (newPosition == POSITION_NONE) {
mFragments.set(position, null);
} else {
mFragments.set(newPosition, f);
Based AndroidX FragmentStatePagerAdapter.java, because mFragments
's elements position do not change when calling notifyDataSetChanged().
Source: https://github.com/cuichanghao/infivt/blob/master/library/src/main/java/cc/cuichanghao/library/FragmentStatePagerChangeableAdapter.java
Example: https://github.com/cuichanghao/infivt/blob/master/app/src/main/java/cc/cuichanghao/infivt/MainActivityChangeablePager.kt
You can run this project to confirm how to work. https://github.com/cuichanghao/infivt