I\'m experimenting with this code:
interface Callee {
public void foo(Object o);
public void foo(String s);
public void foo(Integer i);
I had a similar issue with calling the right constructor of a class called "Parameter" that could take several basic Java types such as String, Integer, Boolean, Long, etc. Given an array of Objects, I want to convert them into an array of my Parameter objects by calling the most-specific constructor for each Object in the input array. I also wanted to define the constructor Parameter(Object o) that would throw an IllegalArgumentException. I of course found this method being invoked for every Object in my array.
The solution I used was to look up the constructor via reflection...
public Parameter[] convertObjectsToParameters(Object[] objArray) {
Parameter[] paramArray = new Parameter[objArray.length];
int i = 0;
for (Object obj : objArray) {
try {
Constructor cons = Parameter.class.getConstructor(obj.getClass());
paramArray[i++] = cons.newInstance(obj);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method can't handle objects of type: " + obj.getClass(), e);
return paramArray;
No ugly instanceof, switch statements, or visitor pattern required! :)