I have this simple HTML as an example:
text text text
text text text
text text
I'm writting a syntax highlighter (and basic code editor), and I needed to know how to auto-type a single quote char and move the caret back (like a lot of code editors nowadays).
Heres a snippet of my solution, thanks to much help from this thread, the MDN docs, and a lot of moz console watching..
//onKeyPress event
if (evt.key === "\"") {
let sel = window.getSelection();
let offset = sel.focusOffset;
let focus = sel.focusNode;
focus.textContent += "\""; //setting div's innerText directly creates new
//nodes, which invalidate our selections, so we modify the focusNode directly
let range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(focus, offset);
//end onKeyPress event
This is in a contenteditable div element
I leave this here as a thanks, realizing there is already an accepted answer.