I\'ve tried to look around the web for answers to splitting a string into an array of characters but I can\'t seem to find a simple method
I explored another two ways to accomplish this task. It may be helpful for someone.
The first one is easy:
In [25]: a = []
In [26]: s = 'foobar'
In [27]: a += s
In [28]: a
Out[28]: ['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r']
And the second one use map and lambda
function. It may be appropriate for more complex tasks:
In [36]: s = 'foobar12'
In [37]: a = map(lambda c: c, s)
In [38]: a
Out[38]: ['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r', '1', '2']
For example
# isdigit, isspace or another facilities such as regexp may be used
In [40]: a = map(lambda c: c if c.isalpha() else '', s)
In [41]: a
Out[41]: ['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r', '', '']
See python docs for more methods