I am looking for a JavaScript / PHP algorithm to convert between HSL color to RGB.
It seems to me that HSL is not very widely used so I am not having much luck search
This is how I do it which is easy to remember is to think of RGB as three spokes on a wheel, 120 degrees apart.
H = hue (0-360)
S = saturation (0-1)
L = luminance (0-1)
R1 = SIN( H ) * L
G1 = SIN( H + 120 ) * L
B1 = SIN( H + 240 ) * L
The tricky part is saturation, which is to a scale down to the average of those three.
AVERAGE = (R1 + G1 + B1) / 3
R2 = ((R1 - AVERAGE) * S) + AVERAGE
G2 = ((G1 - AVERAGE) * S) + AVERAGE
B2 = ((B1 - AVERAGE) * S) + AVERAGE
RED = R2 * 255
GREEN = G2 * 255
BLUE = B2 * 255