In my Java Script app I have the date stored in a format like so:
Now when I try using the above value to create a new Date obje
if you're just looking to make sure the individual parts of the date stay the same for display purposes, *this appears to work, even when I change my timezone:
var doo = new Date("2011-09-24 00:00:00")
just add the zeros in there.
In my code I do this:
let dateForDisplayToUser =
new Date( `${YYYYMMDDdateStringSeparatedByHyphensFromAPI} 00:00:00` )
{ day: 'numeric', month: 'short', year: 'numeric' }
And I switch around my timezone on my computer and the date stays the same as the yyyy-mm-dd date string I get from the API.
But am I missing something/is this a bad idea ?
*at least in chrome. This Doesn't work in Safari ! as of this writing