Is a GUID unique 100% of the time?

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孤独总比滥情好 2020-11-22 01:31

Is a GUID unique 100% of the time?

Will it stay unique over multiple threads?

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-11-22 02:20

    GUID algorithms are usually implemented according to the v4 GUID specification, which is essentially a pseudo-random string. Sadly, these fall into the category of "likely non-unique", from Wikipedia (I don't know why so many people ignore this bit): "... other GUID versions have different uniqueness properties and probabilities, ranging from guaranteed uniqueness to likely non-uniqueness."

    The pseudo-random properties of V8's JavaScript Math.random() are TERRIBLE at uniqueness, with collisions often coming after only a few thousand iterations, but V8 isn't the only culprit. I've seen real-world GUID collisions using both PHP and Ruby implementations of v4 GUIDs.

    Because it's becoming more and more common to scale ID generation across multiple clients, and clusters of servers, entropy takes a big hit -- the chances of the same random seed being used to generate an ID escalate (time is often used as a random seed in pseudo-random generators), and GUID collisions escalate from "likely non-unique" to "very likely to cause lots of trouble".

    To solve this problem, I set out to create an ID algorithm that could scale safely, and make better guarantees against collision. It does so by using the timestamp, an in-memory client counter, client fingerprint, and random characters. The combination of factors creates an additive complexity that is particularly resistant to collision, even if you scale it across a number of hosts:
