I have the following DataFrame
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10, 5))
If your column names are too long to type then you could specify the new order through a list of integers with the positions:
0 1 2 3 4 mean
0 0.397312 0.361846 0.719802 0.575223 0.449205 0.500678
1 0.287256 0.522337 0.992154 0.584221 0.042739 0.485741
2 0.884812 0.464172 0.149296 0.167698 0.793634 0.491923
3 0.656891 0.500179 0.046006 0.862769 0.651065 0.543382
4 0.673702 0.223489 0.438760 0.468954 0.308509 0.422683
5 0.764020 0.093050 0.100932 0.572475 0.416471 0.389390
6 0.259181 0.248186 0.626101 0.556980 0.559413 0.449972
7 0.400591 0.075461 0.096072 0.308755 0.157078 0.207592
8 0.639745 0.368987 0.340573 0.997547 0.011892 0.471749
9 0.050582 0.714160 0.168839 0.899230 0.359690 0.438500
Generic example:
new_order = [3,2,1,4,5,0]
3 2 1 4 mean 0
0 0.575223 0.719802 0.361846 0.449205 0.500678 0.397312
1 0.584221 0.992154 0.522337 0.042739 0.485741 0.287256
2 0.167698 0.149296 0.464172 0.793634 0.491923 0.884812
3 0.862769 0.046006 0.500179 0.651065 0.543382 0.656891
4 0.468954 0.438760 0.223489 0.308509 0.422683 0.673702
5 0.572475 0.100932 0.093050 0.416471 0.389390 0.764020
6 0.556980 0.626101 0.248186 0.559413 0.449972 0.259181
7 0.308755 0.096072 0.075461 0.157078 0.207592 0.400591
8 0.997547 0.340573 0.368987 0.011892 0.471749 0.639745
9 0.899230 0.168839 0.714160 0.359690 0.438500 0.050582
And for the specific case of OP's question:
new_order = [-1,0,1,2,3,4]
df = df[df.columns[new_order]]
mean 0 1 2 3 4
0 0.500678 0.397312 0.361846 0.719802 0.575223 0.449205
1 0.485741 0.287256 0.522337 0.992154 0.584221 0.042739
2 0.491923 0.884812 0.464172 0.149296 0.167698 0.793634
3 0.543382 0.656891 0.500179 0.046006 0.862769 0.651065
4 0.422683 0.673702 0.223489 0.438760 0.468954 0.308509
5 0.389390 0.764020 0.093050 0.100932 0.572475 0.416471
6 0.449972 0.259181 0.248186 0.626101 0.556980 0.559413
7 0.207592 0.400591 0.075461 0.096072 0.308755 0.157078
8 0.471749 0.639745 0.368987 0.340573 0.997547 0.011892
9 0.438500 0.050582 0.714160 0.168839 0.899230 0.359690
The main problem with this approach is that calling the same code multiple times will create different results each time, so one needs to be careful :)