Old unsecured way:
Follow 3 simple steps to secure API/Secret key (Old answer)
We can use Gradle to secure the API key or Secret key.
1. gradle.properties (Project properties) : Create variable with key.
GoolgeAPIKey = "Your API/Secret Key"
2. build.gradle (Module: app) : Set variable in build.gradle to access it in activity or fragment. Add below code to buildTypes {}.
buildTypes.each {
it.buildConfigField 'String', 'GoogleSecAPIKEY', GoolgeAPIKey
3. Access it in Activity/Fragment by app's BuildConfig :
Update :
The above solution is helpful in the open source project to commit over Git. (Thanks to David Rawson and riyaz-ali for your comment).
As per the Matthew and Pablo Cegarra comments the above way is not secure and Decompiler will allow someone to view the BuildConfig with our secret keys.
Solution :
We can use NDK to Secure API Keys. We can store keys in the native C/C++ class and access them in our Java classes.
Please follow this blog to secure API keys using NDK.
A follow-up on how to store tokens securely in Android