I have to split a vector into n chunks of equal size in R. I couldn\'t find any base function to do that. Also Google didn\'t get me anywhere. Here is what I came up with so
Try the ggplot2 function, cut_number
x <- 1:10
n <- 3
cut_number(x, n) # labels = FALSE if you just want an integer result
#> [1] [1,4] [1,4] [1,4] [1,4] (4,7] (4,7] (4,7] (7,10] (7,10] (7,10]
#> Levels: [1,4] (4,7] (7,10]
# if you want it split into a list:
split(x, cut_number(x, n))
#> $`[1,4]`
#> [1] 1 2 3 4
#> $`(4,7]`
#> [1] 5 6 7
#> $`(7,10]`
#> [1] 8 9 10