Whenever a question pops up on SO about Java synchronization, some people are very eager to point out that synchronized(this)
should be avoided. Instead, they c
I only want to mention a possible solution for unique private references in atomic parts of code without dependencies. You can use a static Hashmap with locks and a simple static method named atomic() that creates required references automatically using stack information (full class name and line number). Then you can use this method in synchronize statements without writing new lock object.
// Synchronization objects (locks)
private static HashMap locks = new HashMap();
// Simple method
private static Object atomic() {
StackTraceElement [] stack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); // get execution point
StackTraceElement exepoint = stack[2];
// creates unique key from class name and line number using execution point
String key = String.format("%s#%d", exepoint.getClassName(), exepoint.getLineNumber());
Object lock = locks.get(key); // use old or create new lock
if (lock == null) {
lock = new Object();
locks.put(key, lock);
return lock; // return reference to lock
// Synchronized code
void dosomething1() {
// start commands
synchronized (atomic()) {
// atomic commands 1
// other command
// Synchronized code
void dosomething2() {
// start commands
synchronized (atomic()) {
// atomic commands 2
// other command