I am compressing files using WinZip on the command line. Since we archive on a daily basis, I am trying to add date and time to these files so that a new one is auto generat
From the answer above, I have made a ready-to-use function.
Validated with french local settings.
:::::::: PROGRAM ::::::::::
call:genname "my file 1.txt"
echo "%newname%"
call:genname "my file 2.doc"
echo "%newname%"
:::::::: FUNCTIONS :::::::::
set d1=%date:~-4,4%
set d2=%date:~-10,2%
set d3=%date:~-7,2%
set t1=%time:~0,2%
::if "%t1:~0,1%" equ " " set t1=0%t1:~1,1%
set t1=%t1: =0%
set t2=%time:~3,2%
set t3=%time:~6,2%
set filename=%~1
set newname=%d1%%d2%%d3%_%t1%%t2%%t3%-%filename%